Welcome to Shed Box Website
The only shed security website you need. Superb simple fit system. For your home and business surroundings
We do not wish to alarm you but – recession means increased crime act now before you become another statistic on the Police files
If you are concerned about security of your home and business surroundings, give yourself total peace of mind fit this lock box security system for your out buildings, superb simple fit system. Contact me on numbers above should you have any questions. Remember this can be used in all domestic areas like garages, gates, sheds, and in any location you need extra security. Simply bolts into place and houses high specification 95mm block lock. Lock box is available for immediate dispatch.
Did you know? Properties without security measures in place are ten times more likely to be burgled than those with simple security measures such as quality door locks.
- Garden tools that have not been secured maybe used by thieves to gain access to your property.
- Typical items stolen are bikes, power tools, lawnmowers, garden furniture or ornaments & sporting equipment.
- You are much less likely to be a victim of shed or garage theft if you take the easy but effective step we suggest. Fit our lockbox system today!
- Workshops, fuel tanks, entry gates, endless uses.
“Lock your garage and shed using this simple but hugely effective lockbox system, complete with heavy duty block lock this is peace of mind for very little cost”

Quote from senior police officer
“The things you value so much do not have the same value to a thief, what takes years to collect can be lost and destroyed in seconds be clever fit the lockbox system. Easy to fit just position, bolt or in to place. Once fitted the padlock is housed and tamper proof! Developed for the commercial container industry this is a proven product with enormous potential to safeguard your sheds, garages, lock ups and stores”
Burglaries of sheds and garages are growing, resources to combat these thefts are at an all-time low. It’s your property you should do all you can to secure it. The value of property in sheds and garages is considerable thus making them a target for criminals. The content of your shed or garage can take years to collect and has value in many other ways apart from monetary. Thieves are targeting them for power tools, cycle and sports equipment. Hand tools are stolen, plant, machinery, and used to break into homes and industrial premises.
Secure the access to your shed or garage by locking them with a simple easy fit device. An adaption from the container lock box used globally within the shipping container industry. Made from steel it houses a heavy block lock securing your shed or garage. Opportunist crime is the classification of this theft, an easy opportunity to gain access. Stop the opportunity stop the crime. Any device that slows access or deters that opportunity is good. Little cost against big losses no brainer.